Syzygy playlist the first

I’ve really enjoyed listening to Steven Garrity’s Acts of Volition Radio sessions. He’s got an eclectic taste in music and has introduced me to more than a few artists and songs that quickly became favorites. I don’t have the time or the patience to start up a podcast, but I found a neat service recently called Finetune that lets you build playlists to share with other people.

The music on Finetune is all properly licensed and there are a number of restrictions in place to ensure the service stays legal, the first being that each listener can only hear each song once. Another restriction is that playlists must contain at least 45 songs with no more than 3 songs from any given artist before they become playable. Their Flash player was envisioned for use on services like Myspace, but can be embedded just about anywhere.

So, without further ado, I present Syzygy Playlist the First for your listening enjoyment: