ContentWatch Redesigns

ContentWatch has redesigned its website. The design is similar to their last one with some nice graphical improvements. The real reason I’m writing this is to point out what’s under the hood. For the first time, ContentWatch’s website is running on strict XHTML using CSS for both design and layout.

At the time of this writing I see 5 unescaped ampersands keeping the page from validating, but everything else looks great. I should mention that some of the inside pages haven’t been updated to the new tableless design yet, but I’m assuming they’re working on that.

Nice work, ContentWatch. Way to go!


I know I haven’t posted much around here. It’s so much easier to simply post a link on my sidebar than to write a full post, and I’ve become a bit lazy of late.

I really like what my friend Jordan did over at He simply gave up on full posts and made his links the featured content. I’m thinking about doing that myself, but I’m not quite ready to give up on blogging. We’ll see how things go for the next month or so.