See you later, spam!


When I first started hosting my own domain five or so years ago, I was happy to discover this really neat thing called a catch-all email account. Basically, I can set up as many static email addresses as I want or need, but any unrouted mail, no matter who it’s addressed to, is redirected into the main catch-all account.

This comes in handy for tracking who I’ve given my email address to (among other obvious reasons). For instance, if I were dealing with a fictional company called Wally’s Widgets, Inc., I might give them the address, [email protected]. That way, if I start getting a lot of junk mail pointed to that address, I know it’s either coming from Wally’s Widgets, or Wally’s Widgets has sold my email address to the evil spammers. Over the years that’s happened with a few of the addresses I’ve given out, and when it does I simply add that address to a server side filter that bounces those emails.

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Testing Blog by Mail

I’m writing this blog entry in an email and sending it to my wordpress software via a secret mail account I’ve set up on my server.

I’m not sure why anyone would do this, since it seems less convenient than blogging by internet. The only place I can think of where I have email but not internet is on my cell phone, and how much blogging will I honestly do from my cell phone?

Nevertheless, I suppose this is an interesting feature.

Update @ 12:31 pm: Well, I thought I had email on my phone, but apparently I don’t. This feature is utterly useless to me.

Spam Principle #1

I’ve seen spammers use incomprehensible text before, but one email I got today was the worst I’ve ever seen. I’ve included the text below, but I’m afraid it doesn’t do the email justice. It was actually styled very professionally. The text of the email was in a nice blue box, and the link was in a classy looking button at the bottom. Why they would go to so much trouble to make garbage text look nice is beyond my power to comprehend.

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