Windows Vista fonts

Microsoft has announced the official name of the Longhorn code-name project: Windows Vista.

One of the more exciting announcements (imho) is that six new fonts will ship with the OS. Assuming Vista gains widespread market-share, these will be the first new fonts in a long time to be acceptable for use on the web.

You can already download the fonts from various places on the net (I got them here). They’re all pretty simple, but they’re a nice break from the same three or four fonts everyone’s used to seeing.

(Hat tip: Aaron Toponce)

4 thoughts on “Windows Vista fonts

  1. Actualy, after I tried them, I was like “what’s the big deal?” They were actually rendered sightly worse then many of the fonts on my system!

    I did a little searching on Google and discovered I was not the only one having this problem. In fact, quite a few people have noticed this. The font rendering in the version of Linux I was using (ok, experemental is actually *the best* you can get, in any operating system. Apparently, it was some off-by-default option that was compiled in, but the font rendering is amazig compared to Windows, or even OS X. Comparing them, the fonts in Windows look lghtly pixely, the fonts in OS X look slightly blurry, yet the ones in Arch Linux are sharp and clear. Amazing. I guess since the guys who develop this stuff are programmers who read code on the computer all day, they made sure to get it readable, knowing they’d be using the result. But that argument could also be applied to the Windows and Mac guys, too. Hmm. What can I say? For once, Linux just looks better.

  2. Hi, guys! I was looking around for electronics stuff and i saw computers that said “vista capable”. That got me thinking to whether or not my comp is “vista capable”. Can u guys tell me if my HP m7480n comp with an ATI X850xt platinum edition graphics card will run vista. Thank you for any tips.

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